Thursday, February 17, 2011

What we can learn from Washington's Inaugural Address

For an amazing exercise in how communication has changed over time, read George Washington's First Inaugural Address. It contains very long, complex sentences, that are hard to understand.

Today's politicians and attorneys speak in short sentences, with sound bites. What an improvement this style is for us modern listeners!

The difference in political speeches can be seen since the advent of television. As more people listened and watched, politicians had to be able to communicate with those who had less time, patience and education.

From this we can learn to use shorter sentences, with essential messages or sound bites. Your listeners will thank you!

For more practical tips, get the e-book Public Speaking:You can Do It! Public speaking is an art, and can be learned!

Business Speech Improvement
provides intensive training in verbal communication skills. Training is offered through books, e-books and coaching. Great speech makes business sense; visit us today!

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