Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Communication Tips: Leaving Better Voice Mails and Remembering Names

One problem that often occurs is speaking fast when giving your name and telephone number as you leave a voice mail message. You as the speaker know your information, and  you say it quickly. Speakers forget that it takes longer to write it down than to say it. To be more professional about it, write your telephone number or spell your name in the air as you say it slowly on the phone message. This is the speed that the listener needs. As a benefit, you may get more calls returned!) Then repeat your number at the end of the message, at a slightly faster pace.
 When meeting someone new, it may be hard to remember the other person's name. When you hear it for the first time, think about it and try to use the name in the first sentence, as in "It's great to meet you, Pat!"
 When you end the conversation, use the other person's name again. This may help you to recall the name when you see the person again.

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