Sunday, March 7, 2010

Are foreign-born professionals in the USA offended if their employer offers to send them to an accent modification course?

As a specialist in foreign accent modification, my clients tell me that they are very glad their companies send them to my accent modification seminars. "I want to learn to speak right," said one learner. Another client reported, "My patients understand me the first time I speak, after this course."

Many human resources, training and management professionals in the USA, though, are hesitant to mention the need for accent modification training. They tell me, "I don't want to offend my employee by saying he needs this course."

If you are a foreign-born professional in the USA or an HR/training/management professional, how do you feel about being offered such training? Do you think companies should or should not encourage those employees who are hard to understand, to take this training?

Business Speech Improvement provides intensive seminars on Pronunciation Improvement for Non-native Professionals. For more information, visit and visit the Open Enrollment section.

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