Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Parent of a high school senior?

Are you the parent of a high school senior who is applying to college? Your child is racing madly towards the finish line of having all college and scholarship applications completed. Have you given a moment's thought towards what it will be like to drop him or her off at a college dorm next fall? What will you say? How will you feel at that moment? Going to college is not easy for either the student or the parent! Many parents of high school seniors are overwhelmed right now with helping their children at this critical time. At the same time, the parents are frustrated because their children are ignoring the parents' words of wisdom about "life issues", from driving to study skills. This is all normal - but it is frustrating for both sides. The parents want to be sure their children are ready for college, and the teens are asserting their independence. What if there was a solution that helped both during the college years? There is. Portable Parent is a unique e-book that covers 29 topics students want to know about - but may not choose to ask their parents. Would-be "helicopter parents" can be more relaxed, knowing their children have the advice they need, as close as their computers! From drinking and drugs at college and tips for lengthening terms papers to doing laundry, finding scholarships and ways to save on travel costs, this e-book provides answers students want! As one student reviewer wrote: "Hey - it's like a parent that you can get information from when you want it.... even at the times of morning that you need advice but don't want the lecture you'd get about calling at that time of night!" Parents with Windows computers (and Adobe Acrobat 8 or above) can also add their parental wisdom to select sections. (Parents with Macs will have to download and print out the e-book to add their thoughts.) "Instant information, 24/7, with a parent's insight!" This e-book has special value to college students who come from other countries to the USA. It provides cultural information on American ways of doing things on college campuses. Written by a parent of three college students who is also a faculty member, Portable Parent covers questions students have. Parents appreciate it because they know that with this loaded into their child's computer, the student will have access to information they need - but won't necessarily want to ask their parents. When the time comes to leave your child, you will feel better knowing all that helpful information is waiting in his computer - whether he asks you or not. Sidestep the parent-new college student struggle - check the e-book Portable Parent out! 

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