Thursday, March 14, 2013

Is it Match Day for you?

Across the globe, thousands of would-be medical residents in American hospitals are eagerly awaiting the results of Match Day. This is the day when they find out if they have been accepted for a residency program and the hospital to which they have been matched. Match Day, as it is called, can occur at various times in February and March, depending on the specialty area. However, for many people, Match Day is March 15th. It is an honor to be accepted for a residency program. Once accepted, however, many new residents, and their families, want to know more about American culture. What are aspects of American life that are different from their native lands? Coming to the USA: American Cultural Differences is an e-book that answers actual questions asked by many new residents in the USA. How do Americans tell time? What is insurance and why is it important here? What are appropriate telephone manners in the USA? How do Americans use a mailbox? What are our holidays, and how is a holiday different from a vacation? Before you come to the USA, learn about our culture from Coming to the USA: American Cultural Differences. (It's at the bottom of the page.) Be prepared for this great opportunity!

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