Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Accent Modification Seminars and You: 6 Reasons People Enroll

Over the years of teaching foreign (and regional) accent modification seminars, I have heard a lot of reasons why people enroll. Here are 5 of the most common - and 1 more unique one!

 1. I can't stand the puzzled looks people give me when I speak to native speakers; they can't understand me easily. 2. I want to improve my speech - but I don't know how. 3. For my career development, I need to talk better to either keep my current job or be considered for the job I really want in the company. 4. I have to be able to be understood clearly in a hurry or when my listener is stressed or sick. I'm in the medical field. 5. I'm about to give a speech. Listeners need to understand my diction better so they can focus on my message. and finally, number 6! I use Dragon Dictation at work- and it doesn't understand me. Can you help me speak so my computer will understand me better?

Whatever your reason, know that intensive speech improvement seminars are available! Each comes with a follow-up plan of some sort, depending on where you live and the type of training you have had. Upcoming seminars in American English Pronunciation Improvement for Non-native Professionals, in October 2014, and Speech Rate Reduction, for speedy talkers,, are now enrolling learners! Click here for details. Other seminars, individual coaching and e-books are also offered.

What's YOUR reason for wanting to enroll in an intensive speech improvement seminar?

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