Thursday, December 10, 2009

Parent of a high school senior?

Soon the college and scholarship applications will be done, and then comes the thought: does my child know enough about non-academics to do well in college? For example, does he know about time management, money management issues such as credit cards and phishing, finding cheap travel fares, doing laundry and more? While some high school seniors will listen to this advice, most won't.

One way to get around seniors' "I know it all attitude" is to write the information down for them to read when they are ready, and to put it on a computer so it doesn't weigh anything when it's time to go to college. Then, at 3 AM if they need to know something, the information is waiting! But who wants to write a book? Fortunately, it's already done and waiting on the web, at There are even sections where parents with Windows on their computers can add their own tidbits of widom. "Instant information, with a parent's insight, available 24/7!"

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