Friday, April 2, 2010

"Just say a few words..."

There are no words like "just say a few words" to strike panic into the heart of many business people. Many regard making a business speech as a very scary activity, because people can look foolish in front of their peers.

Like other skills, there are a few secrets to doing this well. First, whenever you think there is the slightest possibility that you may be called on to give an impromptu presentation, prepare a few sentences in advance, and practice them a lot. If you are called on to speak, only you will know this is not really impromptu. Second, prepare a few frameworks for what you will say in case you really do have to make an impromptu speech. Using these general frameworks, or plans, you can make speeches with greater comfort. Practice sample frameworks on general topics before you need to use them in public under pressure.

Examples of frameworks and other practical strategies are in the e-book, Public Speaking:You Can Do It! found at .

1 comment:

AndySilver said...

What a helpful article to improve self confidence.
Andy Silver