Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Are you ready for your PR opportunity?

A businessman sponsored a formal professional seminar. He provided refreshments and a room. He was invited to talk about his business before the audience, some of whom were in a position to hire his company. Although very friendly, he was dressed quite informally and rambled considerably during his presentation. He had not thought to bring any business cards, either. The overall result was that his verbal and visual image wasted his public relations investment in this opportunity.

Are you prepared for your next PR opportunity, even when you don't expect it? Are you dressed appropriately enough for your work? If a TV camera captured film of you representing your company or at work, would you cringe? If there is the possibility that you will be asked to "say a few words", would you sound poised and professional, with a concise and relevant speech? Be prepared!

If public speaking is not your specialty, the e-book Public Speaking: You Can Do It!
gives easy ways to start, continue and gracefully end a presentation.

Business Speech Improvement
also provides intensive coaching in public speaking, accent modification, reducing speech rate, executive/managerial communication for leadership and more!

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