Monday, March 31, 2014

Speech rate: How fast is "too fast"?

Speedy speakers, seeking to justify their rapid rates, ask how fast they should speak; many want an exact number of words per minute (wpm). Unfortunately, it isn't that easy.
Speech rates differ in various parts of a country and in different situations.
Many people naturally speak faster when they are nervous, although often they can learn not to do this. People in some cultures, such as New York City, speak more quickly. Some people speak fast before they believe their listeners do not have much time to listen to them; one professional told me that in his culture, it was considered impressive to speak fast, especially when speaking of technical matters to someone from another professional background.
In the United States, the average rate of speech in conversation is 110 - 150 words per minute (wpm). However, no-one walks around with a device to measure words per minute in conversation. ( Such a device has yet to be invented.)
In neurologuistic programming (NLP), people are taught to speak at the rate their conversational partners speak. In other words, if the person to whom you are speaking is a very slow talker, you should speak at approximately that rate of speech, especially if you are trying to educate or sell her something. If you are trying to educate him or her on something that is complex, slow down even more (and use pictures when appropriate).
If your speaking partner is a fast speaker, you should come close to matching that rate of speech. Many people are most comfortable with those who are similar, and a similarity can include the rate of speech.
For everyday speech, talk at the rate that enables people to understand you.
Yes, it may be slower than you would like, but you will only have to say your message once, which saves time.
There are exceptions to this rate. If you are speaking to someone who has a hearing impairment, is very young or a senior citizen, slow down a little more. He or she may need a little more time to process your message. Do not speak louder, just slower.
Are you having difficulty slowing your rate of speech down to a reasonable level, consistently? Do people frequently tell you to slow down? Think about when this happens, or if it happens in a particular place or situation.
Business Speech Improvement has two ways to help you with more techniques. First, we offer intensive speech rate coaching. Second, for those who are unable to attend that, How to Speak Slower in Six Steps is a concise e-book with strategies to help.

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