Sunday, July 24, 2011

Speaking clearly - tips for success

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to speak more clearly than others? Clear speech makes communicating your message easier, and gives the speaker a more polished verbal image, causing others to notice.

Here are three simple tips to speak English more clearly. First, make sure your rate of speech is appropriate. Slow down when you are speaking to young children, seniors, people who may not understand your professional/technical terms and concepts, and people with hearing loss. Second, make sure you are saying the final sounds of words clearly, especially if they are at the ends of sentences or phrases.
Third, if English is not your native language, or if you have a strong regional accent, find out what sounds, if any, you are mispronouncing in standard English.

Business Speech Improvement provides intensive, customized training in accent modification, diction, grammar, communication for leaders and more. E-books are also offered onsite on those topics.

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