Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is your body language saying in your photograph?

Do you have professional or personal photos posted online in networking sites or in paid advertisements? What is your body language conveying to viewers?

A remarkable number of photos show people with their arms crossed. This indicated a closed, or defensive, attitude. People looking at them often perceive this as someone who is not open to
others, which is exactly the opposite of what you should be conveying. Get your arms down!

Other photos show people frowning or looking very serious. While a serious expression may work in some professional settings, in a social networking site that indicates someone may not be friendly. The frowning expression is bad for all photos for publicity.

A third issue is whether a person appears relaxed in the photograph. People want to associate with others who appears comfortable with themselves.

Business Speech Improvement provides intensive training in verbal skills (and body language). Seminars and e-books are available.

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