Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Word in Time Saves Nine

Today I was looking through the day-after-Christmas sales circulars. Despite all the pretty pictures, use of the color red to promote urgency, and apparent hope that certain items would be so sought-after that people would buy them at 6 AM, smart copy-writers used "powerful wording" to seize readers' attention. Words such as premium, deluxe, best, biggest and door-buster were there to attract interest.

A wise choice of words results in less text and more space for pictures or for other items to be included. How's your writing, whether for ads or for e-mails, letters or more?

To find such powerful words make a habit of noticing which words grab your attention. Then write them down in a little notebook. You'll see wonderful words on billboards and in books, magazines and other sources, and hear them on television or when powerful speakers talk.
Make those words yours; use them!

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