Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to persuade, with one simple word

I recently received a long set of instructions to submit an item to a company. The instructions did not make much sense to me, as a consumer. Researchers know that one way to persuade people is to tell them a reason for taking a specific action. "You need to do this because _____" has been shown to increase people's willingness to take action. The reason chosen must be important to the specific listener. The next time you need to persuade someone, give a reason that will be meaningful to that person. For example, a young mother might welcome increased convenience, a teen might prefer decreased parental supervision, and a boss might be delighted by lower costs and higher output. "Because" is such a simple word, but it can have a powerful impact! Try using it...because it makes a real difference. Business Speech Improvement provides intensive coaching and concise e-books on many aspects of verbal communication.

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