Friday, January 17, 2014

Better Business Communication Day: tips for better techniques

Monday, January 20th, 2014 is a very special day, indeed. It is both Martin Luther King, Jr Day and also Better Business Communication Day.

Dr. King's eloquence was remarkable, and his diction outstanding. He painted memorable "word pictures" in his famous speeches, enabling us to see his vision, and he had the skill of making memorable phrases.

If you have not listened carefully to his extraordinary "I have a dream" speech this year, do so - and focus on both his message and his technique.

Better Business Communication Day gives each of us the opportunity to reach a little higher towards those heights. Here are two techniques to use.

First, record your voice reading a paragraph, and then speaking to a family member or friend. (Alert them if you are recording them as well.) What do you want to change about your speaking skills? How are your diction, phrasing, persuasive abilities, and rate of speech?

Second, set a three week improvement goal, which is short enough to keep you motivated. Are you going to say a certain sound better, learn how to overcome a fear of public speaking, be able to speak slowly when leaving a telephone number for someone, or something else? There are many resources available online to help you achieve these. For example, there are pronunciation buttons on online dictionaries which will help you pronounce many difficult words.

At the end of that time, record yourself again to listen to the difference.

Speech coaches can make speech improvement easier and more efficient, providing crucial feedback and exercises. Business Speech Improvement offers coaching in diction, presentation skills, accent modification, speech rate, and also economical e-books that are available 24/7. For details, click here.

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